Our Mission: Who We Are
"When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace."
Much is said about asana and meditation but not enough about pranayama - the heart of yoga. We take it upon us to create content about yoga practices that leverage the breath to improve quality of life and elevate consciousness.
More than a yoga blog or magazine, Prana Sutra is an attempt to revive the lost art of breathing. We aim to be your go-to yoga resource for self-care content, ancient wisdom, & yoga practices that support your transformation.
Together, we will find ways to ride the breath to the doors of consciousness.
What Do We Do
"Appreciate your breath, it is always there for you.”
We all have the ability to steady and steer our body and mind. But we also struggle in the throes of everyday life. The modern zeitgeist isn't designed to accommodate mindfulness or a sustainable pace of life, alas!
Now, more than ever, our times call for self-awareness, self-care, and compassion. At Prana Sutra, we believe the human breath is a doorway to personal growth, spiritual upliftment, and social change. A means to take you one step closer!
Our content is designed to help your learn practices that bring focus, mental clarity, and wellness into your daily experience. We aren't a social initiative, but we strongly feel balanced individuals can transform the world.
How Do We Do It
"To be mindful and present, learn to ride the current of prana.”
Fully aware of dwindling attention spans, we chose not to sojourn it. It feels counterproductive to reduce the profundity of spiritual traditions to actionable bullet points - a hot bed for misinterpretations that lack context.
Marketing gurus may disagree, but we find it both ironic and apathetic to succumb to this malaise. All ancient wisdom and spiritual traditions have been passed down through the exquisite (and somewhat lost) art of storytelling.
We hope to find engaging ways to rekindle that art as we chronicle ancient and emerging information. In doing so, we'll do our best to reconcile known ideas of narration that are practicable with a tone that is scintillalting and captivating.